ROV Operator

2013-05-21 23.16.36 largeBrief Course Outline
Each participant will receive 2 days (8 hours per day) of classroom and “hands on” in water ocean training on the Deep Trekker ROV, including a minimum of 8 hours of individual “stick time” operating the ROV under various conditions. It is understood that different participants will have different views on training and different levels of ROV knowledge entering training.
This course is primarily being offered to train people who are interested and or wish to operate a Deep Trekker DTG2 ROV. Tech Specs

Introduction/ROV System Overview
Identify individual system components
This is usually followed by a question and answer session relative to specific
operational tasks.

Mechanical Familiarization
Camera tilt device
Manipulator familiarization

Using the setup checklist in the system manual, go through a complete system
set-up and adapt the checklist in the manual to suit the customer.
OEM familiarization
Sonar Systems
Surveying Software
Wharf side & boat operational and deployment familiarization.

Cleaning, Inspection, storage and transport